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Buddy the Sage - #NaNoWriMo 2021 - Cat Tales

Pennilyn Higgins • 14 November 2021

Buddy the Sage's Story

Buddy stomped through the crowd, his dagger flapping at his side with each hop. He growled and the others moved aside. He had business here. The others were only here for show. 

There was trouble in the kingdom, yet the king remained indifferent. It was time to change that. 

Buddy launched himself at the door, slamming it wide open. The king looked up from grooming his hind leg, his tongue dangling akimbo. 

“Sire!” Buddy lunged forward. “Sire! There is trouble on the lands.”

“What?” bellowed the king. “WHAT?”

Buddy froze. The king shrugged and went back to his grooming. The Queen slinked out from behind the king and approached Buddy. 

“And what is it that is so important, Sir Buddy?” she purred.

The king paused again watching the pair, then switched to grooming his other leg. .

“There is another in the land,” Buddy said. “We must act.”

“Another what?” said the queen.

“A cat. A cat of course,” Buddy stammered.

“There are many cats here,” the queen said, sitting down to lick between her fingers. “We have new guests all the time.”

“But no. This one is different.”

“I’m hungry,” bellowed the king to no one in particular. The queen went to him and licked his face. 

Buddy waited impatiently. Surely at some point they’d remember that he was there. He cleared his throat and the queen looked up. 

“Oh, yes, of course,” said the queen. “Talk to the Lady Dapples. She will know what to do.” She turned back to her husband.

“But there is risk!”

The queen stopped again. “Like what?”

“There’s not enough food.”

“There’s always enough food.” The queen waved him off. “See Dapples. Leave us be.”

Buddy sighed exasperated. Their majesties had no idea the danger that was present. Oh to be the king and never have to worry!

Buddy hissed as he left the king’s chambers. Courtiers scattered, yowling in fear. He growled to himself as he stormed through the castle seeking the chambers of the Lady Dappled Sunshine. 

Yes, she would know what to do, but, like their majesties, she’d be wildly indifferent about the whole affair. 

But he knew. Buddy knew that when new cats came, there was always upheaval. And big changes. It was always awful. 

The Lady Dapples was where she always was, curled into a circle in the basket bed, which itself was atop an enormous people bed. Buddy hopped up the carpeted steps onto the top of the bed, approaching the dosing lady. 

Dapples opened an eye and blinked at the black figure as it drew closer, shaking the bed with each hop. “Buddy the Black,” she murmured. “To what do I owe this honor?”

Buddy sat. “Their majesties sent me to you. They care not about the dangers presented by our newest guest.”

Dapples lifted her head. “Someone new?”

“Yes, from three days past. The new one occupies our person and eats from our dishes.”

Dapples drew a heavy sigh. “You know we go through this every time…”

“But this one is different!”

“How so?”

“This one notices not the others until they are on top of her. She hears them not. She sees them not.”

“She can see,” said Dapples softly. “A little. And her hearing is poor, though not so poor as our king’s.”

“But how do we protect our needs?”

Dapples sat up. “Are you serious? You were once the new one. Nobody panicked.”

“Well yes, but I am young. I can protect the realm.” He patted the dagger at his side.

“You’re missing a leg.”

Buddy worked his jaw, searching for a retort. 

“You are right. You are young and strong and serve our homeland well, keeping us safe from interlopers.” Dapples leaned forward. “Your job is to protect and serve the elderly. The new one is elderly. Do not fear her. Protect her.”

“But what of the food situation?”

“The people manage that. There is never a shortage.” Dapples pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. Buddy hung his head.

“Now, attend to your duties,” Dapples said, lowering herself back into the basket bed. “I must sleep.”

Buddy hopped back down into the lower levels, Dapples’ words echoing in his head. Was missing a leg worse than being mostly blind and deaf? Was it worse than being old? He hopped lost in thought into the kitchen and stopped when he nearly collided with the new cat.

She blinked at him, eyes wide and unseeing, sniffing. Buddy started to go around and she backed away. He paused.

“Can you hear me?” Buddy said.

Her ears perked up. “Who is that?” she mewled.

“I am Buddy. The Black,” he said proudly.

“Buddy, you say?” She looked toward him, practically through him. “The Black? Are you black?”

“Yes, I am black.”

“I thought you were a shadow,” she said. “My eyes have gone bad and everything is so quiet now.”

Buddy shrugged. “That’s not all bad. The wolves bark and howl a lot and it’s very loud.”

“I think I’ve heard them.”

“Where are you from?”

“I lost my person,” she said. “My person loved me, but she got sick.”

Buddy sat. “I lost my person too.”

“I don’t know this new person.”

“This new person is nice. She feeds us.”

“What? Sorry.” She looked so sad.

“Our person feeds us well,” Buddy said louder. “This is a nice place.”

“I like the food,” she said. “I miss my person.”

“Do you have a name?” Buddy said.

“Sorry,” she said, twitching her ears. “What?”

“Your name.” Buddy raised his voice. “Do you have a name?”

“I’m Jeter,” she said. “You’re very big.”

“I’m charged with protecting this realm. No one can harm the residents of this place.”

“I’m glad someone will keep us safe. I’ve been a little scared.”

“The people can be loud, but food is aplenty.”

“I’ve heard wolves,” Jeter said turning blindly in the direction of the other end of the castle. “I’m sure there are wolves.”

Buddy chuckled. “Yes, but the wolves aren’t very smart.”

“Are you not afraid?”

“Why should I be?”

Jeter looked disappointed and started to walk back into the room where she spent most of her days. 

“Well, I mean, our people—,” said Buddy. “The wolves obey the people and the people take care of us, so we’re safe. We’re safe.”

Jeter stopped and glanced back.

“The wolves like to try to play with us, but we won’t play with them because they are so big. But they’re also afraid of our claws, so we’re safe.”

Jeter held up a paw and laughed. “I can’t understand a single word you’re saying. Slow down! You young ones always in such a rush.” She waved him off and kept walking. 

Buddy stretched out at the door of Jeter’s room grooming himself gently. 

Paws with untrimmed claws approached. “Move it,” snapped the grizzled traveler. 

“I’ll not,” said Buddy sitting up. “Who are you?”

The cat was gray and tail-less. A scar ran across his nose and his ear was slightly torn. “Just get out of the way,” the visitor snarled. 

“No. There are others sleeping inside. I’ll not have you disturb them.”

The gray cat turned his ears back. "I’m hungry, and the good food is in there. Out of my way, cripple.”

Everyone knew the gray one was a bully. Nevertheless, it still hurt to be called out for an injury over which he had no control. Buddy felt a rumbling rising in his chest. “Says the one with no tail.”

The gray one screamed and lashed out, claws extended. Buddy jumped back, dodging the swipe.

“Speak to me not in this way,” snarled the gray one.

“Likewise, you.”

“I could be running this kingdom, but that the deaf one is leader, and his toothless wife.” The gray one rolled his eyes.

“Speak you not of our king in this way. He leads with kindness and compassion.”

“He’s a fool. We should have all the lands, inside and outside of the realm walls.”

“We have as we need right here. And a person to feed us.”

“I could rule that person, too.”

Buddy growled. “The person provides for us.”

Silence. Buddy slid his paw to the hilt of his dagger. The gray one crouched eying the open door just over Buddy’s shoulder. The gray one took a tiny step and Buddy grasped the dagger.

The gray one sailed over Buddy’s head, slashing as he passed. Buddy defended with the dagger and swatted the gray one’s hind feet, knocking them aside. The gray one landed on his side, scrambling to dash into the room. Buddy tackled him and they fought, screeching.

The person appeared, emitting such a noise that most cats would scatter. The gray one did not, and Buddy continued to wrestle with him. A person’s hand came from above and lifted the gray one into the air. The gray one fought, but the person was too strong. Stern sounds came from the person and the gray one relaxed. 

Buddy grinned as the gray one began to purr and head butt the person affectionately. The person carried him away and Buddy gave himself a good shake, checking himself for injuries.

A purring from behind caught his attention. Jeter was approaching, cautiously feeling her way through the door. “Is it safe?”

“You are safe, my dear lady,” Buddy said.

“That sounded awful. I felt it.”

“They gray one spends most of his days outside the realm walls.” Buddy sat and started grooming a scratch he’d discovered on his paw. 

“Are you injured, my Lord?”

“Tis but a scratch,” Buddy smiled. 

“What did he want?”

“He is jealous. He wants your food.”

“I eat so slowly,” she said. “I’m not used to others being around.”

Buddy sighed. “The Lady Dappled Sunshine reminded me that there is always food aplenty in this house. You should not have to fight for it. But the gray one is a bully. He must always fight.”

“I am too tired to fight.”

“Worry not, my Lady,” Buddy said. “I will watch over you.”

The person cooed as Jeter ate her dinner. Buddy sat to the side, watching. The Lady Dapples trotted into the room, awake from her long nap and hungry herself. She nodded at Jeter eating and came to Buddy with a hearty head butt. 

“Oh, you have a scratch!” she said, seeing a line of scabbing across Buddy’s nose. 

“It was the gray one,” Buddy said. “I’ll not let him have the lady’s food.”

Dapples sat beside him, watching Jeter eat as the person stroked her. 

“The gray one didn’t spend enough time with his mother,” Dapples said. “But what of your concerns? Does this old woman threaten our realm?”

Buddy chuckled. “No. The gray one threatens our peace, but this one is no threat to us. We have plenty of food.”

“And what shall you do now?”

“I am a defender of the realm,” Buddy said. “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. So I shall sit here.”

“You are a noble man,” purred Dapples. “You should eat, too.”

“I’ll wait until she’s had her fill.”

Dapples pressed her cheek against his forehead. “You’re a good man, Buddy the Black. I’m glad you understand now.”

Buddy nodded and settled down to nap. Yes, he got it now. And he would make sure everyone else got it, too. And if they didn’t, he still had his dagger.

This month Mew-Mew House is participating in the National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. We are preparing a series of silly, unedited stories including each of our cats.

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